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Curious about what we do?

If you’re curious about The Reinolds Group and what we do, below is a list of ways we seek to serve churches so they can bring more significant Kingdom impact to their communities.

Our techniques are proven approaches to help an organization or a leader make meaningful progress in their context by embarking with them on a journey of discovering their God-designed uniqueness from within. There are no Ministry Menus; instead, there are meaningful communications about how God is at work in even the smallest of ways to bring about the biggest of impacts. Specifically, we use six techniques to help see the Kingdom advance in a specific context.

Every organization experiences varying levels of a plateau. At some point, an organization must directly address its plateau and redevelop or revision to spiral forward into a God-sized future with new possibilities and growth. The Clarity Cube tool helps leaders ask the right questions to stop the decline or plateau and consider the future God is pulling them into.

Our dream is to see churches empowered on a congregational journey that is both spiritual and strategic in nature. Your church is uniquely fit together by God to fulfill His divine purposes in your context. We desire to see your congregation moving toward fulfilling the Kingdom potential that is part of God’s redemptive plan.

The Prism Process is a toolbox based interactive consulting process designed to guide network and denominational leaders to imagine their network through a whole new light to develop strategies for delivering greater value to the churches they serve.