A New Era For Associations
Associations must put away their sleepy tendencies of primarily providing pulpit fill, pastor search committee training, and hosting senior adult luncheons.
The association of this new era is not an organization where an exhausted pastor or denominational leader comes to retire and hang out with tired pastors; it is an organism where the associational leader is a learning broker that knows how and who to leverage within the family of churches to help other churches take their best next steps toward meaningful and impactful progress in the mission of God for their context.
#1 Reason Why Most Churches Choose to Die.
Progress. Advancement. Growth. Movement. Change. All of these are four-letter curse words in overly stagnant cultures. However, there is a fundamental reason why many churches and organizations choose to die, and it’s not entirely their fault.
13 Associational Funding Streams
It has fallen upon the backs of those giving 2.5% to support the local church, the local association, the State Convention, and the North American Mission Board.
5 Conversational Techniques that Inspire Movement
As a son and daughter of King Jesus, you can add value to people by simply engaging them the way Jesus did through conversation to help them gain movement in discovering their next step toward meaningful progress in their lives.
Part 4: 4 Ways to Keep Your Pastor from “Quiet Quitting”
If you want to prevent your pastor from quiet quitting, then step back and watch out for emotional abuse. Yes, it's true. The person that stands up on stage and looks like they have it all together probably doesn't. In all likelihood, they are actively engaged in a spiritual battle that directly attacks their emotions.
Part 3: 4 Ways to Keep Your Pastor from “Quiet Quitting”
Pastors surrendered to the call of ministry to be part of a movement of God that would change the world, not live moment to moment, maintaining a monument to a religious movement of the past.
Nostalgia Can Mug Joy from You.
Whether its a cup of coffee, a type of vehicle, a song, or a certain order of things; nostalgia can mug us from experiencing the joy of stepping with faith into the future story God has planned for us
7 Reasons to Celebrate Church’s Breakthrough Story and a Free Template
We’ve provided seven reasons not to miss an opportunity to celebrate a church in your network and a FREE downloadable template that writers don’t want you to know about.
Part 2: 4 Ways to Keep Your Pastor from “Quiet Quitting”
"We cannot afford to let down our Christian standards just to hold the interest of people who want to go to hell and still belong to a church.” A.W. Tozer
Why The Average Disciplemaking Strategy Takes 64 Years
It's no wonder the churches, denominations, and Christian organizations are struggling through effective discipleship strategies for the interdependent parts that make up the whole body of Christ.