Five Reasons to Consider a Pull Approach to Congregational Strategic Change
In an age where everyone is discussing the importance of discipleship, it is interesting how many strategic planning processes focus on leaving it up to "the professional" pastor, pastoral staff, or key leadership team to set the direction of the Bride of Christ. How can we seriously say that we think discipleship is crucial if we're unwilling to allow the Bride behind the curtain to participate in developing the future story God wants to tell through the local body of believers?
Crossing the Line
At some point, people face the reality that to step into a deeper and more intimate relationship with Jesus, they’re going to step out of the comfortable relationships they have with most of their crowd of contacts. It isn’t that they’ll have to have to abandon or have nothing with their crowd of contacts; rather, by deciding to follow Jesus more intimately, it would put them out of step with the cadence of their peers.